11 October 2012

A few photos from tour

As you know, my band's on tour. Tomorrow, we fly to Malawi to play the Moon Rock Festival and then on Tuesday, we drive up the East Coast of SA to play a bunch of shows. I'm hoping to do a tour diary of the East Coast trip that I'll post either during or after that leg, depending on connectivity. For now, here are a few photos from the current tour that I snatched up from our manager's Instagram account. (Thanks Nicci!)*

Live on stage at Die Boer Theatre - We played 2 nights there to kick off the tour.
Bjorn on the way to a show.
Me laying on the cheese during sound check.
Finalising stage setup before sound check.
Brian "slappin da BASS". He says that's his setlist on his iPad, but he's actually just reading comics.
We had a great crowd at this show.
So happy to have my Yamaha kit on the road with me.
I'm surprised no one tried to swing from the chandelier above the crowd.
Bjorn rocking out.

Mark can sing with his eyes closed. Legend!
Quite a trippy photo of us on stage.
Band and crew (minus Philip, our sound engineer) hanging out at the merch table after a show.
*All photos taken by Nicci Hayden

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