24 February 2011

Something to look forward to

Last Friday, I went to check out U2 at Cape Town Stadium, and what a show it was. It's the biggest show I've attended and I was really impressed by their performance and the over-the-top 360° stage, complete with moving walkways and video screens. We sat far back, but it was still amazing. Here's a photo of the show:

Thankfully, even though U2 have demolished my hopes of ever seeing a concert of such epic proportions again, I still have something to look forward to, and so do you!

I'm talking about my band's album launch show. It's taking place at Mercury Live in Cape Town, SA on Friday, 01 April 2011. (Yes, that is the date. For the last time, it's not an April Fool's joke!)

We're hoping to see lots of people there. There's going to be merchandise on sale and the new album will be sold at a special introductory price. (I know how much you all love sales!) Our good friends, The Undefind, will be opening the show for us, and then we'll be performing. Hooray!

If you want to win tickets to the show as well as a copy of the new album, take a look at 12th Avenue's website - www.12thavenueband.com - where you'll find a link to the competition. Also, don't forget to "like" us on Facebook, as we're running a competition there as well.

Hope to see you there!

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